Friday, September 10, 2010

Q & A

1. Field conditions around Lubbock include, city grid, as in streets and highways, that allow for subdivided landscape.

2. In geometric relationships, units are related as a whole, while in algebraic, they relate in units.  The mosque started as a set condition, but grew by replicating the units.

3. Examples of field conditions around campus include the pavement grid, parking lots and seats at a location, all which demonstrate repeated units.

4. They set up space for new or additional variable that could be introduced in the future.

1. The English/Philosophy building is an example; it demonstrates illusion of elements that lack functionality such as the balconies.

2. Symbolism occurs in churches and symbolism lacks in parking lots and other unused locations.

3. Post-moderism is demonstrated in new residential homes and cities such as Las Vegas.

4. Presence, the right to be there, significance, more of a value or importance than functionality and how the material is used all are used to convey the type of architecture being used.

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